The Autumn Window of Opportunity

Time is of the essence when you put your property on the market during Autumn. the kids are back at school (can I cheer….?), buyer interest is picking up, and somewhere between packing away your sun hat and ordering the turkey, there’s potentially time for you to market and sell your property and be installed somewhere new by Christmas! But you can’t hang about. Nobody wants to be traipsing around property hunting when the cold snap sets in.


At EHG Home we always take note of the changing seasons when preparing a property for sale. As the leaves turn and the nights draw in, it’s time to think about creating warm, cosy environments and welcoming light sources that will encourage potential buyers to view your home as the perfect environment in which to celebrate the festive season and beyond. Kick start the heating and get your property to a comfortable temperature that will encourage viewers to linger. If you are lucky enough to have a real fire place, give it a clean, sweep the chimney, lay and even light it for viewings – a real fire is proven to promote relaxation, a perfect state for prospective buyers.  As the saying goes, the hearth is the heart of the home so I like to position seating angled towards it, and adorn it with floor vases of tall blooms or chunky candles set in elegant lanterns. On a less decorative note and with winter approaching, buyers will be motivated to explore the energy efficiency of your property and your home insulation, so be sure to address any drafts in advance of viewings.


Although less time is spent outdoors during Autumn, your outside space remains a much desired commodity and should be presented as such. Viewers will want a squizz at the condition of your lawn, so ensure it’s not buried under fallen leaves. Having created that beautiful outside space over Summer, now is the time to bring outdoor furniture inside for the winter, or if you’ve nowhere to store it, invest in good, waterproof covers. prepare your hallway for a flurry of wet weather arrivals and consider adding a doormat both inside and out. Sodden coats, boots and dripping brollies need a place to be stored, so clear away clutter and have hooks and an umbrella stand available to accommodate viewers belongings. Your hallway is your opportunity to create that all important first impression, so a clear and welcoming space is a must and should entice potential buyers to explore further.

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I love bringing the colours and smells of autumn inside at this time of year. Warmer tones to offset the grey weather and the addition of extra throws and cushions, not just in the bedroom, but on your sofas too, are all part of the EHG Home autumnal Aesthetic. I adore mixing up textural fabrics such as chunky knits and luxurious velvets to maximise the cosy, and layering up throws and bedding to create a sense of luxury. Adding candles and room fragrances in muskier and woodier notes rather than the citrusy and floral flavours of summer, will add to the overall cocooning and comfortable vibe - Autumn scents include black pomegranate, orange, rosehip and spices. It’s also a time to switch up the greenery. Just because Summer florals are over, doesn’t mean we can’t adorn the home with this seasons alternatives such as chrysanthumums and dahlias, while Fall branches create such stylish and creative shapes when displayed on sideboards or in floor vases, depending on their size.

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As a stylist, I obviously adore the party season - Halloween, followed by Christmas creates endless opportunities for all out creativity and styling opportunities! But when presenting a property for the sale or rental market, it’s crucial to be aware that viewers will come from all walks of life, backgrounds and beliefs, and it’s vital to create an environment that won’t alienate or polarise and appeals to all.

So don’t delay - Autumn is not a time for dithering on the property market and we are ready to help you maximise on this window of opportunity. GET IN TOUCH WITH KATE AT KATE@EHGHOME.CO.UK OR CALL OUR STUDIO ON 02087414545.

Chloe Staples