Home Edits (Part One)

There’s nothing I like more than a bit of decluttering and reorganisation and it seems I’m not the only one! With Marie Kondo practically becoming a buzz phrase over recent years and the popularity of The Home Edit on Netflix, it would appear that this is a trend that’s rocking the nation.

It makes sense. We’ve all been confined to our own homes rather more than we would have liked this past year, so keeping our environment appealing and our clutter under control has become more essential than ever. Especially as for many our home has also become a place of work.

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And now the housing market has sprung back to life, I’d like to highlight that decluttering is nothing short of a necessity if presenting your property for sale. Potential buyers won’t to be wowed by a space they can’t imagine as their own – something that’s nigh on impossible to do when confronted with an entire household’s worth of accumulative gubbins!

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There are some general points to consider before you start. Effective management, discarding and organisation of one’s clutter is not for the faint hearted or disorganised, and needs to be done in carefully planned stages. No matter how tempting it may be to upend the contents of your cupboards onto the floor and just put back what you need, the operation is counter productive if you have nowhere to put the items left over.

Arm yourself with 4 boxes or containers before you start – one to keep, one to throw away, one to recycle and one to donate. And then tackle it room by room…


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For many it’s the heart of the home, and it certainly is in mine, but if your heart sinks under an avalanche of Tupperware every time you open a cupboard, it’s probably time to streamline. Start the decluttering process with the cupboards of bulky items, then work towards the small cupboards and drawers. Review any open shelving, not as a place to shove rarely used items but as an area to ‘style’. Leave on show only those pieces which are appealing, such as beautiful canisters, dishes and cups for example. Don’t be tempted to over laden, instead arrange sparingly and neatly in small clusters or stacks, and dot through succulents or trailing plants to bring life to your arrangement. When it comes to counter tops, less really is more, and things should only be left out that you use every day. When next preparing a meal, the extra space will be welcome and visually, the whole kitchen will feel more spacious and appealing.  

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If you are preparing your home to sell, make no mistake, buyers can be notoriously nosy. They are likely to take a peek inside pantries and cupboards, even inside the fridge, so it’s vital the contents don’t spill forth when they do! Don’t forget to strip the front of the fridge of children’s drawings and that multitude of novelty magnets holding pamphlets and schedules - these are a reflection of your family life, not the aspirational home your viewer will want to move into.

For a final flourish, you can’t beat a vase of flowers, herb pots or a bowl of fresh fruit for that ‘lived in’ feel. Plus with many of today’ kitchens sporting neutral coloured tiles, counter tops and flooring, some vibrant blooms or crisp green apples will add a welcome hit of colour.


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If you heart sinks every time you enter your bathroom, chances are it’s not the spa like haven you would like it to be.

Stand and assess its contents and whether everything you see on display is really necessary. Do you honestly need that many towels on the go at any one time? They are bulky and cumbersome, and prone to hang messily. Are there a multitude of half empty bottles on display, when all you really need are a handful? Counter space can be in short supply in your average bathroom, so it’s key to keep it under control. Once cupboards have been decluttered (there’s often outdated medicines, lotions and potions that can be dumped for starters) there should be room to tuck most of what’s ‘out’ back ‘in’.

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If you are preparing to sell, remember nobody needs to envisage your daily grooming routine upon entering your bathroom, so pack razors, make up and other personal bits and pieces out of sight. Towels should be freshly laundered, kept to a minimum and neatly folded over the rail. Clear surfaces in the bathroom add to that spa like feel, but if some storage is needed, opt for attractive glass jars for cotton wool or discrete storage baskets. Be sure to free up floor space of clutter that will make the room look smaller, such as bath mats, bulky wash boxes or bathroom scales.

To be continued….

Chloe Staples